
Bun C Plugin
January 2025 - Present

What if you could just:

import lib, { add } from './lib.c';

const sum = add(1, 2.5); // sum is 3

lib.hello(); // does whatever the C function does

in your TypeScript code?

Well in Bun it’s not just possible, it’s trivial.

Read more if you’re interested.

Linux Kernel Programming
Winter 2023/24

My journey with compiling, developing and debugging the Linux Kernel under macOS running on an Apple Silicon. Believe me, it was harder than it sounds.

  • Final result: ouichefs

    A simple filesystem that can free the space automatically when the disk is too full, with a configurable eviction policy.

WHILE interpreter
Summer Semester 2023

A simple interpreter for the WHILE language with derivation tree visualization and other goodies. Based on Semantics and Verification of Software Course from RWTH.

Climate and Animal-Responsible Diet
Summer Semester 2023

University project to create an App that helps to eat in a way that is better for the environment. It helps you track what you eat, proposes better recipes and shows you how much CO2 and water you saved by eating differently.


Figma Plugin Svelte

During work on my master thesis, I had to create a Figma plugin. And as always I wanted to use svelte, to make my life easier. Because I didn’t find any (modern — yes with Svelte 5) template for svelte, I created one.

It is Svelte 5 ready and adds typed messages between UI and logic, to spare me some headaches. ;)

Cloudflare Pages Clean-up Worker

Many of my projects (and other projects I manage) are hosted on Cloudflare Pages. One of my favourite features are automatic deployments from GitHub, but once deployed they stay there forever.

That means every old deployment can (theoretically, if you know the URL) also be accessed forever.

So I’ve created a simple scheduled worker that cleans up old deployments.

(Also it makes the dashboard a lot more readable, if you have rules to skip some branches, like those from dependabot.)

Elysia Supabase Plugin

A simple plugin for Elysia that makes writing Supabase Edge Functions easier.

Of course, works not only on supabase, but everywhere you can run Elysia.

On JSR:[email protected]

Apps I’ve worked on

Someday there will be more of a page here…

For now, you can check out my github.

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© 2023 - 2025 mastermakrela